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Pain Avoidance Closing

I also will talk about one of the best ways to do this for our industry and that's "Pain Avoidance". People are massively motivated to avoid pain and people will avoid much MUCH faster then they will seek pleasure. So.. how do we use this to persuade our clients and candidates.........


Simply put and clinically proven.....People buy for emotional reasons… but they justify it with logic!

Yes. People are persuaded by EMOTIONAL reasons and then they will try to back up their decision and prove it was logical.  Yes, they really bought that rolex for prestige and not because it's so well made (even though it is well made)

Power Closing

The fact is that most of these will seem obvious and you know they work. You also will notice that most of these have somehow been sprinkled into various scripts or trainings that you have attended before. Now, you can see WHY they were put in there and WHY they work! I will show you how to use each of these throughout your Staffing or Recruiting Business or Desk!

Again, this is just a teaser for you. To REALLY implement these, we need to see you in sunny Las Vegas SOON!

RSS Feeds


What are they and why you need to set them up on your PC now! RSS feeds have been called the DVR of the web. In other words, you get to watch what you want to watch and when you want to watch all in one place, without surfing the channels. Rss feeds are basically a way of bringing all of the great content on the web to you. So, instead of your having to bookmark, or even remembering to look at your bookmarks, all data and info comes right to you! To be an expert, you need to be on top of your client and candidate trends..

LinkedIn Maximization Tips

So, What's your LinkedIn strategy?  It amazes me, yet again, how many recruiters out there aren't either using LinkedIn or, even worse, use it a lot, but haven't really thought about the right strategy to really maximize their returns.  Of course, for me to list all of the great tips, strategies and techniques would require a book, as my webinar here is over 3 hours long on the topic.  However, I wanted to share with you some great tips that you should adopt immediately!

Get Your VoiceMail Messages Returned!

  My Email has been buzzing with issues that keep you up at night. Not surprisingly, finding new business is the number one request. Surprisingly, though, is that a close number 2 is how to get your prospects to return your phone calls!  Your training covers some of the new business stuff, but here's a sure fire tip to massively increase your call backs. It is quite simple.....

Remove The “Objective” From Resumes

So, are cover letters and "objectives" on resumes helpful or hurtful?  Most hiring managers, statistically, will bypass the cover letter! DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE this as the implications are far worse.. The stats really show that they don't read it, but that they scan it. They also will thus spend more time reading the cover letter and, of course, the big "objective" opener of the resume. Both the cover letter and the "objective" are a bit of a myth. None ever aid you in getting a job and both can actually CAUSE you from getting the job.

Time To Stump ‘Em With Trick Questions

To stump or not to stump.... Should you throw "curve-balls" at your candidates during the interview process?  Frankly, it is critical for a recruiter or staffing specialist to wear two hats when asking these types of questions.  The first hat, of course, is to assess the candidate. The 2nd hat, though, is of salesperson. NEVER forget that how they answer these questions for you will also likely be how they answer them for your clients (when you create a sendout with them). Therefore, I always make sure to ask the SAME question perhaps 4 or 5 ways. Ironically, I often either get very different answers each time OR I get new information each time. Since we try to glean their selling points in an interview, it is key that you have methods to pull out ALL of them.

Really Selling The “Exclusive”

Ok. Any recruiter worth their salt (never really knew what that means) knows that if you sell an exclusive, that you dramatically increase your chances of placing or filling that order! Well, that's all great, but the real question is how to sell it and how to use it right! Most of the time when I hear a recruiter sell it, it is all self serving... In other words, the benefits to doing it are for the recruiter and not really for the client.  If you can get an exclusive it's also good to sometimes consider discounting the fee, or conversely, if you have to discount a fee, it's often worth exchanging that negotiation "give in" for an exclusive...... So, how do you do it...