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Contractor & Staffing Training

How To Master The Art Of Contracting & Staffing

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VMS and VMO- Navigating through the Uncertainties

While the VMS paradigm evolves and gains a larger portion of the client spend, staffing companies are facing a quandary on how to deal with the VMS. Clients have moved from the evaluation stage to the VMS deployment stage, while many staffing suppliers don’t have a clear plan on how to deal with this new way of working. Attend this session to hear from a staffing industry leader who has been on board travelling the VMS journey since its inception. This session will address specific VMS and VMO uncertainties, question perceived facts and explore critical questions including:

  • While certain VMS brand names are challenging the established ones, how do their offerings compare?
  • In which way do the VMOs differ?
  • How do their multiplicities impact your companies values and processes?
  • Where do the priorities of the VMO lie?
  • How do you get on their vendor lists and stay there?

What issues are lurking that may surface in the future?


Strategies for Prospering In A World Filled With VMS

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Doing Business With The Federal Government- Barbara Kinosky & Jim Phillips

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GSA (General Services Administration) Schedules are the predominant method of selling both goods and services to the federal government. Under GSA Schedules (also referred to as Multiple Award Schedules and Federal Supply Schedules), GSA establishes long-term, government-wide contracts with commercial firms for specifically identified goods or services. Most of the dollars spent on federal government contracts are spent by government buyers using GSA Schedule contracts. The service industry is the fastest growing area on schedules. This session will address how to obtain a GSA Schedule contract, the advantages and disadvantages of obtaining a Schedule, and how to maximize your return on investment once your company obtains a GSA schedule contract.


Effective Consultant Management-Robert Twitchell

Commoditization of IT Services is a challenge affecting us all. Vendor management systems and offshore competition are resulting in lower rates and decreased access to buyers. But many firms are responding to these pressures by treating their consultants like a commodity, resulting in an apathetic workforce and mediocre service.۬۬Break the cycle of commodity-style management and differentiate yourself in your marketplace. Join Robert Twitchell of ICC as he leads a panel discussion with other IT Services Industry leaders on how to engage your consulting staff. Engaged employees are more loyal, deliver better service, take responsibility for keeping their skills sharp, and become the best advocates for your firm Рwhether they are still employed with you or not.