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Sequential "Sellitude"

Sequential sellitude

So, Wow! I am almost getting all misty on you..

It’s our very last free lesson together!!! Can you feel our collective pain? 🙂

Don’t worry, just like you won’t stop your relationship with your prospects, this won’t be the last you hear from me. I’ll still send you some good articles and tips here and there, and I am sure, also the occasional E-book or video.. However, the last 13 weeks have given you the stuff that I normally charge for!

In fact, I have been told that the stuff is so good, that I am going to cut back the free stuff to 6 weeks and you’ll see some of the other videos for sale. so, aren’t you lucky!

This last lesson, besides ending in a tear jerker (hint- Don’t turn off after my “carpe Diem”), is a bit of a summary, but actually shares with you how you can use a sequential system like I did to better reach your prospects and clients/candidates. So, without further fanfare, lets hit the video!!

Thanks again for your support and kind words.. And also thanks for the many of you have either hired me or referred me to those who make those decisions.. I hope to see many of you live real soon! Watch this video to learn more:


  • David Keeney
    Posted August 14, 2010 at 4:32 pm

    Excellent content as always. Surprised more have not chosen to post their constructive comments……oh ye of few words.

    I love it that we have been described as “Wordsmiths”….and that is a work in progress. Progress, as you know is preferred to regress 😉

    Many, many thanks once again for your encouragement and inspiration. Just landed two of my biggest assignments ever!

  • Gonzalo
    Posted June 25, 2009 at 5:48 pm

    Man, you are so goooooood. Can’t wait to put this in practice. G.

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